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Greetings GRR
The AGM of GRR was held on 26 Nov 2024. Your Executive Committee for the year 2025 is:
President        Bill Thomas
VP               Mike Galbraith
Treasurer        Sandy Raven
All by Acclamation
Tim Witkowski and Bob Comerford have volunteered to share the Secretary position.

I would like to thank those members of our club who stepped up to lead us for the 2025 year.
Other important positions are held by the following members:
Sunshine:       Wendy Gedney
Social:         Mike Galbraith
Membership:     Gerry Walsh
Fresh Water     Dale Scheel
Salt Water:     Peter Laughren
Fishouts:       John Pierce
Fly Tying:      Dave Robinson
BCWF Rep:       Dave Cooke
Gillie Club:    Dennis Gedney                                         
Speakers:       Lyle Freeman
Environment:    Mick Collins
Website:        John Pierce

Looking forward to another great year for GRR.
Bill Thomas
Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing Club
Executive Meeting Nov. 5th 2024

Attendees: Bob, Mike, Sandy, Lyall, Dennis Gerry, Bill, Hornet
Attendees by Zoom:

Minutes of last meeting: Not requested

New Business:
1) It was determined that a regular member pays $75.00, attends meetings regularly. An Associate pays $30.00 is informed on club meetings and attends club functions infrequently. BCWF insurance is only for full membership. Bill will be sending out request for executive to list the duties of their job positions.
2) AGM to be held in November. We need a Speaker Coordinator, Secretary, Gillie Club person for the upcoming year. President, Bill to send out to club duties of members. We also need someone to canvass for the positions.
3) Budget. 2025 SAME AS 2024 PROJECTION. Misc expenses, flower, charitable donations. 
$200 for advertising for outdoor show. Next year will be our last year for free rent. Yearly rent for club space is $400.00. Budget presentation at AGM.
4) Hornet will take albums and fishing gear at his storage locker. Club to make donation. Hornet will take over Barry's tasks. Mike will see about storage cost. Mike raised concerns over potential problems sharing a rental locker.
5) Donated fishing gear. Members fishing sale proceeds to go general revenue. All agreed.
6) Sandy, Ray asked for pamphlets about club.
7) Gerry want's his contact # removed.
8 ) Mike enquired about club cloth badges.
9) Dennis asked about long term plan for club. Mentioned long beach casting club as an example of possibilities.
10) Gerry suggested free name tags for new members. 

Financial: See full report on line.

Meeting Terminated. 11:30 am.
Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated December 17 2024
Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom

Chaired By: Bill Thomas

Secretary: Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 10:00 AM

Attendees: Mike Galbraith, Rich Greenhow, Ken Evans, Barry Feeman, Lyle Freeman, Christopher, Wade, Rick Greenhorn,, Norman Kent, Kobus Erasmus, Lee Takayanagi, Dennis Gedney, Bill Thomas, Ian Cameron, Gerry Walsh, Jens Kristensen, Winston Jackson, Tony Otten, Jim Scott, Mick Collins, Ted Leaker, Tim Witoski, Danny Larvin, Peter Laughren, Barton Bourassa, Norm  Jackson, Bob Comerford. 

Members Attending by Zoom:  Brian Canfield, Wendy Gedney, Sandy Mcelroy, Michael Cory, Mohamed Docrat, Wynn Brown, Ron Estey, Richard Best,

Motion to accept the minutes last meeting: Moved by Barry and Hornet.

Items Arising from the Minutes: Elk lake fish out January 16th.

Christmas potluck this Thursday at club house. Meet 5:00- 5:30 pm dinner at 6:00pm. No charge .10 gift packs.

Treasurer: No Report

Sunshine Wendy Gedney: Andre Panteleyev has lost 12lbs, tires easily. He is in good spirits. Poinsettias will be delivered.   

Social Bob, Mike: Christmas dinner this Thursday.

Membership: One new member.

Fresh Water: Tim Witoski has a copies of Dave Larson's favourite fishing spots on the Cowichan River.

Salt Water: No report.

FishOuts: January 16th. Elk Lake. Hot dogs will be served at Hammersly Beach by at 12:00 noon

Fly Tying: no fly tying this Saturday 

Hatchery: 200,00 chum and coho eggs this year. Last year they had 3,000.

DFO for the large number of coho retuning this year in all of the streams In all the streams.

PSS : no report

BCWF :  no report

ACS :  minutes were sent out.

WFA : 


Legacy Fund: 

Gillie Club: Elk lake fishing tips. Fish slow with full sink line or downrigger to 18ft. Use a small spinner to attract the dish.   
Speakers Program: Lyle is putting together a talk on working on history of herring and wale fishery on the west coast. Three or four more speakers are in the works

John Pierce gave an excellent talk on the oil industry

Environment: DFO lacking public confidence. Bill Thomas attends many environmental groups and no group thinks DFO is doing a good job.

PSS: Working on fish counts for the Colquitz creek. Mick will be in touch with Katrina, local streams 3 groups of stream walkers. One of which is from the hatchery on the Goldstream.

Mick's Report
1/ Mick met with CRD staff and the BEES last Friday regarding monitoring of oxygenation by CRD and consultants. The monitoring and oxygenation are on budget and a report will be presented to the CRD Environmental Services Committee in March 2025.
2/Mick is meeting this Friday online for a CRD update on Thetis Lake water storage and environmental flows.
3/He attended the UBC presentation last night online, on salmon dialogues . The research team is concluding that high level , top down management has failed and more emphasis should be placed in the future on bottom up projects by NGOs and First Nations supported by senior governments.
4/Raincoast Conservation Foundation Tod Creek water quality monitoring preliminary report was distributed to members . The outlook for resident Orcas is not promising as they face numerous challenges including pollution.
Mick referenced a recent UVic Environmental Law Centre report on Fraser River water quality( link sent out this morning Tuesday).
5/ Coho returns on both Craigflower and Colquitz are positive and Mick will get Colquitz estimates from Peninsula Streams as soon as they are available. He would like to see a half or full day workshop on Craigflower research next Sept or October in order to encourage increased stream keeping stewardship.

Mick Phone landline 250-598-3294

Website: Pictures to be put on website forum. No phone # or addresses will be posted.

New Business:
1) $100.00 to a local charity.
2) Fin clipping in January. 12 people needed. 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Jan. 9th. 
3) Concern expressed over membership card. Looking into maybe a digital card.
4) Lots of mugs in storage room.
5) Mike posted picture plywood box for fly tying. $50.00 offered. Mike to accept offer.

Meeting Terminated 11.00am  Ian and Lyall.
Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated December 10 2024

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom

Chaired By: Bill Thomas

Secretary:  Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 10:00 AM

Attendees: Mike Galbraith, Ken Evans, Gary Florentine Dale Scheel, Barry Freeman, Lyle Freeman, Lee Takayanagi, Colin Chadwick, Peter Laughren, Gerry Walsh, Ian Cameron, Rick Cohen, Pierre Malo, Kobus Erasmus ,Bob Comerford, Danny Larvin, Mohamed Docrat, Jim Scott, Grant Mackenzie,
Bill Thomas, Ryan Arsenych, Tim Witoski, Tony Otten.
Members Attending by Zoom: John Francis, Dennis Gedney Mick Cillins, Dave Cooke.

Motion to accept the minutes last meeting: moved by:  Ian and Mohamed.

Items Arising from the Minutes: Pierre caught a large fish on Langford lake at the last fish out that wasn't recorded in minutes.

Motion put forward to Tim and Bob to act as shared secretary for 2025.

Recognition of Lee for preparing coffee for well over six years. A job well done. Bravo!!!

Treasurer: No report

Sunshine: Wendy Gedney.   

Social Bob, Mike: 26 people attending Christmas dinner. Two people have volunteered to cook the turkeys. Please let Mike know what you are bringing. Date 19th of December. 5:30 meet and greet dinner at 6:00.

Membership: No report.

Fresh Water:
1) Dale: Ken and Dale fished Prospect on Wednesday. They trolled around the lake . There were a few risers. They anchored and Chironomid fished. They Landed 7 trout.  Ken went for dunking in lake. Cheloniid flies have white bead head and a copper head. Caught over 20 fish in six hours. Move around if you are chironomid fishing. Try different areas if fishing slow.
2) Dale went out Monday trolling bunny haired leach. Caught a 19 inch trout.
3) Dale's Tip: If You see someone catching fish and you aren't, don't just ask them what fly they are using but type of tippet, line weight etc.
4) Piere: Elk Lake Sunday. 9 -20 caught. On downrigger 20 feet down. By the rowing club. Used a Beaded black leach. 10 feet leader full sink line speed slow. Launching pad still down 3 feet. He uses Williams spoon. Brass colour on cloudy days, Sunny silver.

Salt Water:
1) Peter demonstrated fish release for rock fishing. You must have one of these if you are fishing for rock fish. You attach it to the rock fish fin with a clip and sink it to depth and fish is released. Rick Cohen talked about using a needle to puncture the bladder and claims it is more effective.
2) For rock fishing go to Pedder Bay. Right by drop off. Discovery Island. check DFO for excluded areas. Season is May 1st to 30th September. Red snapper and yellow eyed not catchable.
3) Salmon fishing spotty. Sooke doing okay around Secretary Island, Pedder B ay they are using spoons and anchovies. Constance bank. Bob and Peter caught a 4 lb. Chinook and lost a large one. It is Challenging to stay on the plateau with the strong current.
4) Rick talked about the importance of dog fish and Mackerel to the salmon. There are still some uneducated fisherman who hate dog fish and dispatch them if caught fishing.

FishOuts: Elk Lake for January fish out. Date to be announced.

Fly Tying: Secret flies. Florin tied 2 flies. Mike from Edmonton tied two. Good to see different fly tying techniques. Fly tying on Zoom starts at 9:00. for coffee and chat with fly tying 0 to 11. This Saturday.

Hatchery Grant: Winding down, egg takes and school tours. They have 29 trays of coho with 4,000 eggs per tray. April release for chum. Coho will be kept for a year and half. School tour of 1st nations were  super interested. The teacher was speaking to them in their native Wsanec language. They have different names for thr salmon. The eggs from female are put into a  bowl and sperm milt  from the male and are mixed by hand. When you add water the sperm are activated. Jack Salmon two year old fish. DFO rules science at hatchery are not getting big fish from hatchery. Russia, China, USA and Canada putting in Billions of hatchery fish into ocean, but food is not available. Some rivers are dry because of agriculture. Fungus in different steams. DFO does not want eggs to be transferred to different streams for fear of spreading fungus

PSS : $10.00 join membership. Get news letter.

BCWF : Dave Cooke.  Campbell river fishing is still good. Boats are decorated for christmas.

ACS :  minutes to  be forwarded

WFA : 


Legacy Fund: 

Gillie Club: Elk lake fishing tips for next week.   
Speakers Program: Lyal is preparing a talk on whale harvesting history for Sidney Anglers on whales. He will speak about this in January.

Imax. Special show on Blue Whales.

Environment: Peninsula year end report. Mick sent out on chat Todd creek water quality.

Website: 150 connections to our u tube on fly tying.

New Business:
1) We low on stickers. These come in 2 inch and 3 inch sizes. 250. 0f each $712.32. 500 $738.008. Thes are produced locally and helps to advertise the club.
2) BCWF Insurance: Only liability insurance, anyone wants comprehensive insurance see Mohamed for contact person, Directors are covered by insurance.
3) Dave. Fish out at Cowichan Lake in spring.  Dennis to get back with more info.   

Meeting  Terminated 11.30am lyal and Ian.
Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated December 3 2024

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom

Chaired By: Tony Otten.

Secretary: Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 10:00 AM

Attendees: 29 members. Mike Galbraith, Sandy Mcelroy, Gary florintine, Barry Freeman, Lee Takayanagi, Lyle Freeman, Dale Scheel, Rick Greenhorn, Tony Otten, Pierre Malo, Wayne Lee, Ted Leaker, Ian Cameron, Peter Laugrhen, Gerry Walsh, Danny Larvin, Winston Jackson, Colin Chadwick, Sandy Raven, Tim Witoski, Mohamed Docrat, Barton Bourassa, Grant Mackenzie, Ryan Arsenych, Bob Comerford, Ken Evans Jim Scott, John Pierce.

Members Attending by Zoom: Dave Cooke, Richard Best, Michael Cory, Mick Collins.

Motion to accept the minutes last meeting: moved by: Ian and Hornet.   

Items Arising from the Minutes:  No items arising from the minutes.

Treasurer: Sandy gave financial report. The club is in good financial shape.

Sunshine Wendy Gedney: Andre Panteleyev has major health concerns, a Card has been sent. 

Social Bob, Mike:
1) Christmas Dinner at the club meeting hall on December 19th. This is pot luck and a $5.00 fee per person to cover expenses. Let Mike Galbraith know if you are coming and what dish you bringing.
2) Chinese New Year celebration in New Year, more info to come
3) Haig Brown Christmas dinner Dec 11 at Cedar Hill golf course let Mohamed know if you want to go. Cost is $60.00.

Membership: no report.

Fresh Water:
1) Dale: Fished Prospect Lake, landed 13, 5 were of decent size. Trolling Bunny Haired leach. Fished with blood worms for hour. Fish were not staying on hook.
2) Tim Witoski: Cowichan River fishing trip. His fishing secret is you have to pay to hire a guide. He went drift fishing on the Cowichan from the weir to Skutz Falls. He used salmon egg hooked on weighted line tossing it out in front while you drift. He caught one after another. Tim got 25, 6 double headers Bill Thomas did about the same $550 charge. 7:30 start. 4:30 end. He has business cards of the guide.

Salt Water:
1) Picking gup for springs. Sooke odd big one 14 lb .
2) Beacher bay up to 14 lbs. a lot of small ones.
3) Pedder bay use anchovy and spoons. Crabbing is good in Pedder Bay.
4) Peter crabs by green buoy in front of inner harbour.
5) Waterfront is slow. Peter and Bob fished Constance bank on Saturday and caught a 6lb. Chinook.
Days are unpredictable. Signs of fishermen mooching. Jigging for salmon. 70 feet deep on bank.
6) Island outfitters report is that fishing has slowed down.
7) Ryan. 2 fish off Otter point

1) Last Thursday at Langford lake. 12 people came out and hot dogs were served at noon.  Ian landed 1, Tim 2. fishing was slow.
2) Next fish out in January.

Fly Tying: Nothing this Saturday. 

Hatchery Grant: Hatchery has been super busy, taking brood stock, eggs for coho. Fence is out.  Stream walks counting salmon required by DFO. 15,000 chum, Coho 1800. Great return. Craigflower 687. 600 Millstream. Returning Coho. Coho can be in creek for a month. School tours at hatchery with local high schools. Eggs are spectacular this year, bright orange. Last year 3,000 chum this year close to 30,000. Suspect some fish returning from last year. Maybe 20 chinook spotted in river. No cutthroat. Large mouth bass spotted in river. These would be Coho returning after two years after the atmospheric river. Coho can spend up to a  year and half in river. Spring salmon were traditionally fished in March. Historically in Fraser river. Late 1970s big collapse in chinook fishery happened.

PSS :  Spoon bay to  Songhees sand lance eggs were found at Esquimalt.

BCWF :  upper Island  lakes stocked and accessed on gated property.

ACS :  this Wednesday. 7:30 at Esquimalt anglers

WFA : 


Legacy Fund: 

Gillie Club:  .   
Speakers Program: Historical background on herring fishery.

Environment: Mick will give report next week in person.
Website: Pictures of club members posted on webpage. See mike Galbraith if your picture has not been taken.

New Business:
1) Lee Taganaqki to resign from coffee making duties. Lee has been doing this for at least six years. We all give him a lot of gratitude for all of his coffee making. Hornet has offered to take over.
2) GRR iron on Patches available  $5.00 each.

Meeting  Terminated 11.00am  Mohamed and hornet.
Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated November 26 2024

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom

Chaired By: Bill Thomas

Secretary:  Bob Comerford

Called to Order:  10:00 AM

Attendees: Mike Galbraith, Bob Comerford, Dave Larson, Bill Thomas, Norman Kent, Peter Laughren, Ted Leaker, Wayne Lee, Gerry Walsh, Florin Sabac, Rick  Greenhorn, Hornet, Winston Jackson, Jim Scott, Dennis Gedney, Ian Cameron, Andre Panteleyev, Mohamed Docrat, Tony Otten, Sandy Raven, Mick Collins
Members Attending by Zoom:  Dave Cooke

Motion to accept the minutes last meeting: moved by:  Hornet and Ian

Items Arising from the Minutes:
1) Follow up on BCWF insurance. More info to come.
2) Maps for fly fishing on Cowichan River. $20.00  See Mohamed.

Treasurer:  No Report

Sunshine Wendy Gedney: No Report   

Social Bob, Mike:
1) Gold Stream Park Soup lunch, 12 people in attendance, 4 soups. Good weather and not a lot of fish spawning. Low attendance. More info on our social events in the future 
2) Christmas dinner 19th December. 5:30 gather at the club hall. Dinner at six. This is a pot luck and a $5.00 fee per person. The Club provides the Turkey. Respond to Mike if you are attending and what you are bringing. Our previous dinners have been well attended and the food has been remarkably good. You don't want to miss it!

Membership: No Report.

Fresh Water:
1) Andre: Andre had his 13th annual float fishing trip on the Cowichan river. Bad weather day. He put in at the Weir and drifted to Skutz Falls. Around trestle he caught 14-18 Rainbows. Heavy tungsten bead on an egg pattern. He was Looking for trout between the salmon. Fishing Close to bottom. He caught well over 20 fish. Fished a side channel and caught 8 Coho, 1 Brown. This was a guided trip with a special rate for hatchery volunteers.
2) Tim Witoski: Thanks to people who send out flies that work in certain areas. He really appreciates it.

Salt Water: Constance bank is still the best place to fish for salmon.

FishOuts: This Thursday at Langford lake. Hot dogs at noon. If you can carry your boat launching where we have hot dogs at south end of lake works well. $5.00 donation. Tell Bill if you are coming so he knows how many hot dogs to bring.

Fly Tying Florin: Fly tying this Saturday. Guest tiers from Alberta. These will be top secret Flys  and will not be recorded. Florin will continue tying flies from with Dales box. Also Fly repair and demonstrating a Doc Spratley.

Hatchery: We have finished egg taking. 22,000 chum more than enough for all the hatchery's work.  Clipping to start soon. Starts at 11.00am goes to 3:00. 12 people ideal. Soup lunch provided. 30 minute shifts. Possible date before Christmas.

PSS: Latest request for volunteers. $10.00 fee goes towards funding organization. They will keep you informed on volunteering opportunities. 

BCWF: Dave. Well attended at Chemainus. Access to mosaic lands. Card available to managed properties. See Dave Cooke for info. Conversation with stocking local lakes. AGM in March.

ACS : 

WFA : 


Legacy Fund: 

Gillie Club:
1) Talk about introduced fish in Elk Lake. Special fish were introduced in past years that prey on invasive species and were catchable rainbows.
2) Lake Cowichan. Dennis's son caught a 5.2lb rainbow with a 4" inch Apex lure fishing both sides of stream outflows.
Speakers Program: Watch for scammers on line. Suggestion for speaker.

Environment: Mick was in Hawaii, caught one fish. Saw a fisherman catch fish on Big Island. In preparation for today's AGM , Mick outlined the role of the Conservation Director, details below,  and welcomed any members with particular interests to be more involved in these activities. He complimented members for always volunteering when work opportunities arise.
On behalf and with the support  of the membership, the Conservation Director provides leadership in marine and freshwater fisheries conservation activities and related environmental matters.

Duties include , but are not restricted  to, the following:
-keeping members informed on a regular basis including volunteer opportunities
-liaising with government and non government organizations including BCWF
-fundraising and advising on allocations from Legacy Fund
-encouraging and mentoring young scientists as needed on projects


He referenced today's 'Water Bucket' Newsletter from the Partnership for Water Sustainability on the 9 factors for project success noting that all of them have been utilized in our environmental activities over the last decade, and most of them  have generally been well aligned in our work with partners such as World Fisheries Trust(WFT) and Peninsula Streams and Shorelines Society( PSS). Hundreds of thousands of restoration dollars have been raised in our collaborations with other groups plus $135,000 towards the Elk Lake fishing dock replacement. https://waterbucket.ca/wscblog/

Over 600 Coho were counted returning to Craigflower Creek, an above average return. Additional information will be provided for Colquitz River . Please see link below for information on local watersheds and the continuing excellent work of PSS.               https://peninsulastreams.ca/our-work/

Mick Phone landline 250-598-3294


New Business:
1) Craigflower Creek 700 coho one hatchery some cutthroat.
2) Ken Evans was concerned about coho in Colquitz.
3) Copley Park good spot to look for Coho.
4) Mike: Badges are on the way. Running low on stickers for car windows.
5) Ian Cameron is looking for a float tube.

Meeting Terminated 10.50am Florin and Hornet
Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated November 12 2024

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom

Chaired By: Mike Galbraith

Secretary: Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 10:00 AM

Attendees: Mike Galbraith, Rick Cohen, Ken Evans, Barry Freeman, Lyle Freeman, Lee Takayanagi, Richard Greenham. Norm Kent, Colin Chadwick, Tim Witoski, Gerry Walsh, Florin Sabec, Mohamed Docrat, Dave Robinson, Winston Jackson, Ryan Arsenych, Andre Panteleyev Peter Laughren, Barry Gorden, Tony Otten, Bob Comerford.
Members Attending by Zoom: Dave Cooke, Sandy McElroy. Dennis Gedney. Michael Cory, Wendy Gedney

Motion to accept the minutes last meeting: Moved by Rick and Rick.

Items Arising from the Minutes:
1) The fish fence at Goldstream has been removed and a thank you to all members who helped out.
1) The Craigflower Fence has been removed.
3) 6 people wish to see fish ladder on Millstream. A date will be decided on.

Treasurer: Fairway cards are available. We get 5% of your purchase back to the club.

Membership: Membership dues are due. Sandy posted the cost of dues. $75.00 for single, $100 for Family and $35.00 for Associated. Also listed is what your responsibilities and benefits are of belonging to the GRR.

Sunshine Wendy Gedney:
1) Sandy McElroy's corneal operation did not succeed. Please keep him in mind if you are in the Sidney area and can visit him. He cannot drive.
2) A Card was off to Mrs Thomas.
3) Jim McDonald was contacted. He is well and will join us on Zoom.   

Social Bob, Mike: November 21 Soup social at Goldstream Park. This is a great opportunity to see salmon spawning and share some good food and friendship with fellow club members. We have enough soup volunteers but the number of people who have committed to going is low so let  Mike know as soon as possible if you are coming and what food item you intend on bringing.

Membership: no report

Fresh Water:
1) Dale: All quiet.
2) Robinsons Sporting Store. Sandy Mcelroy broke his rod and will receive a new rod for $75.00. He was very pleased with the service.
3) The fly fishing film at Robinson's was good and well attended. Talk about broken rods, some have no fault policy. Sage and Reddington have a good repair policy.
4) There was talk about last minutes report on using barbed hooks where hatchery fish are and it was concluded to be false. No barbed hooks in any lakes

Salt Water:
1) Pete and Bob had luck at Sooke. Winter spring fishing at Constance bank is apparently excellent. Some say it is because of all the freighters at anchor because of the strike. The speculation is that anchors stir up the bottom and which brings feeder fish for the salmon  Fish close to the bottom.

FishOuts: Fish out later this month.

Fly Tying: Fly tying this Saturday by Florin. 


PSS: 1500 releases in millstream.

BCWF: 24th of November. Dave Cooke will be attending Saltair. Agenda is out. Dave asked for $100.00 for gas money to attend. On a motion it was accepted

ACS: Minutes were sent out by Bill Thomas 



Legacy Fund: 

Gillie Club: Dennis will be talking about B.C. Wild life insurance   
Speakers Program: Winston presentation on high arctic trip. 76degrees north.

1) Assessment work on Craigflower Creek.  612 coho above average return. Three members from GRR were helping Bruce Bevan. Rick, Ian and Lyle helped keep the fish fence clean from leaves.
2) Lyall gave an impassioned talk about all the work that Bruce Bevan has been doing over the last 50 years on the Craigflower Creek. He is asking the club to consider taking a more active role next year working to keep the creek healthy 
3) Bob took part in a water sampling of Gabo Creek for tire residue toxins.


New Business:
1) AGM Agenda November 26th following meeting.
2) We need a secretary for next year, possible media contact person, and a person to run the Guest Speaker Program. We need three people to help canvass for these positions.
3) Mohamed has volunteered to be the president of the World Fisheries Trust. He joined recently and saw a need to improve what the WFT does. One thing they do is provide aquariums in schools and provide salmon fry to mature and then released in local streams.
4) Dave Cooke: Dave talked about fishing on the Cambell and Quinsam rivers Fishing was also good from shore.

Meeting Terminated: 11:00 am by Norm. Seconded by Colin
Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated November 5 2024

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom

Chaired By: Bill Thomas

Secretary: Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 10:00 AM

Attendees: Mike Galbraith, Ken Evans  Lyle Freeman ,Lee Takayanagi, Colin Chadwick, Pierre Malo, Bill Thomas, Wayne Lee, Jens Kristensen, Jim Scott, Rick Greenhorn, Gerry Walsh, Dave Robinson, Bob Comerford, John Francis, Dennis Gedney, Ian Cameron, Peter Laughren, Winston Jackson, Ryan Arsenych, Sandy raven, Mohamed Docat, Barry Freeman,, Ray Dykstra.
Members Attending by Zoom: Michael Cory, Wendy Gedney.

Motion to accept the minutes last meeting: Moved by Ian and Hornet

Items Arising from the Minutes:
1) Bruce Bevan is intending to remove the fish counting fence at the Craigflower on Thursday.
2) The fish ladder on the Millstream can be a future club destination, or if you want to see it yourself go out Atkins Rd stop at where road goes over culvert. 

1) Look online for details. Membership Dues are now due. $75.00 for single $100.00 for Family $30.00 for Associate. eTransfer or send Sandy a cheque. If your spouse or partner attends club functions get a family membership so they have insurance.
2) Use your Fairway's card. We get %5 0f your purchase. See Sandy for card.

Sunshine Wendy Gedney: Sandy McElroy had corneal transplant.   

Social Mike: November 21 Goldstream Park, 4 soups. Dennis and Ian are bringing fire wood. Please let Mike know if you are coming. Bring own utensils and something to drink chair to sit on if required Nov.21, lunch at 10:30. Lots of chum salmon.


Fresh Water:
1) Elk Lake level is as low as end of July. Water getting clearer. Club member fished but No bites. CRD staff were patrolling lake.
2) Ryan caught 8 trout on Prospect Lake.

Salt Water: No report.

FishOuts: 28th November Langford Lake. Place to park and put your boat in where we have the hot dogs at end of lake. There is no ramp at this location.

Fly Tying: This Saturday. 9:00am coffee, 10:am fly tying. All lakes that are stocked you can use barbed hook and two hooks are allowed on fly. 

Hatchery: 22,000 Chum counted so far on Goldstream River. Lots of Coho This is looking like a good year for salmon returns.

PSS: $10.00 a year to join. Go to website. All kind's of great volunteer opportunities.

BCWF: Meeting of region1 coming soon. Details to follow

ACS: This Wednesday at club hall

WFA: Robinsons Sports store film on fly fishing. Phone in for space.


Legacy Fund: 

Gillie Club: No report. 
Speakers Program: Speaker on the crude oil industry at end of November 



New Business:
1) Thursday Nov 7 9:30 am Meet at Ma Millers. Walk to fence to see salmon taken at the fish fence. 600 salmon have gone through the fish fence on Craigflower stream. Stream walkers have counted 1400 coho on the Goldstream River.

Meeting Terminated: Mohamed and Lyal 10:40 am
Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated October 29 2024

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom

Chaired By: Bill Thomas

Secretary: Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 10:00 AM

Attendees: Mike Galbraith, Ken Evans, Lee Takanagi, Barry Freeman, Lyle Freeman, Rick Greenhorn, Gerry Walsh, Pierre Mallo, Rick Cohen, Jens Kristensen, Jim Scott, Peter Laughren,, Ian Cameron, Tim Witoski, Dave Robinson, Ryan Arsenych, Bob Comerfordd, Dennis Gedney, John Kirby ,Florin Sabac, Bill Thomas, Eric Peters ( New Member) Ray Dykstra ( New Member)
Members Attending by Zoom:  Wendy  Gedney, Mick Collins, Wyn Brown

Motion to accept the minutes last two meetings: Jim and Pierre.

Items Arising from the Minutes: No report

Treasurer: No report.

Sunshine Wendy Gedney: No report

Social: Soup potluck at Goldstream Thursday November 21st. We need two more soup volunteers. Also firewood is needed. Let Mike Galbraith know what you are bringing so we do not get duplication on pot luck food. michaelbrentgaith@gmail.com

Membership: One new member

Fresh Water:
1) Sooke Pierre, most chum are have spawned.
2) Cowichan Fishing. Nymping with egg pattern. Spring pool. Cowichan camp grounds. 12,000 coho counted going up Cowichan River

Salt Water:
1) All quiet on the water. No  reports from Sooke;
2) Bob and Peter fished Constance Bank on a beautiful calm sunny day. Lots of fish on Fish Finder but they were not biting.
3) DFO wants to cancel treble hooks to help with release. There was a discussion about catch and release and mortality rates in fish being released. Future speaker idea.

FishOut: 28th November Langford Lake good launching off Leigh Road.

Fly Tying: This Saturday 9:00am Coffee and talk, 10:00am fly tying

Hatchery: Chum run is ongoing. 6,000 eggs were taken last year. 60,000 so far this year. Large holding area of Coho. 7,000 Coho counted going up to Shawnigan lake.Possible club outing to see how the salmon are transported to Shawnigan lake. Contact bill Thomas on how you can view the procedure. Stream to sea program: 97 schools get a fish tank with a cooler. 100 eyed eggs are put in aquariums. Coho or Chum eggs. Students get to watch them turn to fry and return them to local streams. All eggs are provided by Goldstram Hatchery. School tours with egg take milt from male into bowl with eggs. 14 egg takes. 30-50 kids.   

PSS: Lots of opportunities to  volunteer. $10.00 to join. Peninsular Streams Society. Go to  Website.

BCWF: No report

ACS: Amalgamated conservation society. All local conservation groups.



Legacy Fund:   

Gillie Club:  .   
Speakers Program: 

Environment: Three meetings.
1/ The main agenda item at the recent Gorge Waterway Initiative (GWI ) meeting was the BC Hydro major upgrade including a new underwater line across the Gorge Waterway, parallel to the old line.  Impact studies are being conducted and an environmental monitor will be employed. Good communications are in place with the stewardship groups. The lead BC Hydro representative has previously spoken to our club about the Campbell River John Hart dam upgrade. See link below. https://majorprojects.ca/bc-hydro-releases-a-new-video-update-for-the-john-hart-dam-seismic-upgrade-project-copy/
2/ There was a good turnout October 26 Saturday to the South Vancouver Island Lakekeepers group meeting organized and  hosted by Swan Lake Nature House and the Beaver Elk Environmental Stewards (BEES). Local representatives included stewards from Maltby , Prospect and Durrance lakes. Rick Nordin , BC Lake Stewardship Society (BCLSS), presented and facilitated discussion on equipment and measurement protocols and Nell Libera  promoted use of Pacific DataStream currently being used by some groups including Peninsula Streams and Shorelines (PSS). There was a presentation on the fish kill at Somenos Lake caused by the collapse of a large algae bloom and the subsequent loss of oxygen. Some Coho were killed along with large numbers of pumpkin seed sunfish. The group will continue meeting every 6 months to exchange information and may work on a proposal to develop a knowledge hub for water quality monitoring, possibly to be located at Swan Lake Nature House.
3/ Mick and the BEES met online with CRD representatives on the Elk Lake Oxygenation Monitoring Program. The system has been operational for one year. The monitoring is in the deep spot at the end of the oxygenation line. Additional monitoring maybe established to confirm the dispersal of the oxygen over a large area in the low oxygen zone , when the lake stratifies .
Discussion included weed cutting and removal as the proliferation of milfoil is of great concern as well as current algae blooms. The BEES are supplementing the CRD monitoring program with data they are collecting regularly. Preliminary results indicate a reduction in Phosphorous due to the oxygenation . Further information will be available following the next meeting on November 25.
4/ Mick confirmed that CRD in cooperation with stewards are communicating to arrange toxicological analysis services with an expert for any more fish found to be possibly suffering from the effects of toxic tire compounds. This would be in addition to the monitoring program lead by BC Conservation Foundation (BCCF) and Vancouver Island University (VIU). Thanks to our club volunteers for counting the encouraging numbers of Coho returning to Craigflower Creek under higher water level conditions.
PS: Mick is away and offline until the November 26 meeting. Phone landline 250-598-3294


New Business:
1) Ian: GRR supplies most manpower for fish count at Craigflower creek. Over 500 Coho. some large. Healthy fish. 2 died from tire residue. 6ppd Quina, washes off road. Club outing to Craigflower creek. Fish come after rain. Takes 15 minutes.

Meeting Terminated: 11.00 am, Ian and Hornet.