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Grizzly King Wet Fly

Started by John Pierce, March 27, 2021, 06:42:17 AM

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John Pierce

Grizzly King Wet Fly

20210327 This fly was demo'd at GRR weekly Fly Tying by Member David Robinson via Zoom, recording available on GRR's YouTube Channel.

Hook: #10 to #12 - Mustad 53S #XL long curved
Thread: 8/0 Black
Tag: Flat Silver Tinsel - fine
Tail: Red Duck Quill or Hackle Fibres
Rib: Flat Gold Tinsel - fine
Body: Green Floss - 4 strands
Hackle: Grizzly Hen or small Saddle Hackle
Wing: Teal or Mallard Flank - Folded   

1) A very old English wet fly pattern, originated circa 1840 by Professor John Wilson (Edinburgh University) who is also the originator of the similar "Professor" wet fly.
2) Also see Grizzly King Dry Fly pattern.