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2023-06-06: GRR Weekly Meeting, Minutes

Started by John Pierce, June 12, 2023, 02:05:49 PM

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John Pierce

ictoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated June 6, 2023

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom 9:30 Am

Chaired By: Tony Otten

Secretary: Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 9:30 AM

Attendees:. Bob, Gunnar, Tony, John, Norman, Winston, Barry, John, Sandy, Jens, Lee, Ted, A motion was put forward to have a sign in list of attendees. This was moved by Jens seconded by Barry.

Members Attending by Zoom: Dennis, Jim, Peter.

Motion to accept the minutes last meeting: Moved by Barry seconded by Bob

Items Arising from the Minutes: Nothing arising.

Treasurer Sandy Raven: Fairways card promoted. Load card at store. Fairways gives %5 back to club.   

Sunshine Wendy Gedney: Everyone is healthy. 

Social Bob, Mike: Pot luck at Ken Evan's 28th of June. More info at next meeting

Membership: Memo to John Pierce, to get Jens, Ted, Jim Scott on Chatline.

Fresh Water: Dale and Barry at Prospect Lake 4 bass and some hits. Water quite warm. They plan on carp fishing. Tony caught a bass on Prospect. Fish have gone deep. Courtenay lake Jens was fishing  Harmon lake in Merritt, Chain lake in Princeton and Osoyoos Lake.  Fishing was good. He was using willow leaf and weeding band.

Salt Water: June 1 you can retain hatchery Coho. Good fishing in Sooke. All other areas are slow. Discovery island for ling cod. Large ling cod caught at Sidney   

Fish outs:
Three rooms booked in Campbell River for pink salmon fishing on the Campbell River. Cost is $179.00 a room with two people sharing cost. August 8 9 10 August. Contact Bill Thomas as soon as possible so he can make arrangements.
Fish out at Fuller lake in Duncan June 14th. We have two people going so far. We will decide whether to go ahead with it at the next meeting.

Fly Tying: Nothing to report.

Hatchery: Nothing to Report

PS: No report

BCWF: No report

ACS: No report

WFA: No report

Library: No report

Legacy Fund: No Report

Gillie Club: No report

Speakers Program:  Continues in September 

Fund Raising: Fairways Card

Environment: Mick reported on 2 items :
1/ distribution of Elk Lake water quality trends report to help guide ongoing monitoring of oxygenation treatment
2/ coordination of a one-hour MS Teams meeting June 29 with Provincial and CRD staff and others to discuss Craigflower Creek watershed flow monitoring and data sharing.
Building on previous reports, meetings, and equipment installation the focus is on environmental flows for fish during drought conditions and high-water impacts.


New Business: No new items of business were brought up.

Meeting Adjourned: 10:30 am