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2024-02-27: GRR Weekly Meeting, Minutes

Started by John Pierce, February 29, 2024, 05:33:35 PM

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John Pierce

Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated February 27 2024

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom 10:00am

Chaired By: Bill Thomas

Secretary: Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 10:00 AM

See mike Galbraith for picture of yourself that will be posted on members only website

Attendees in person 27: Mike Galbraith, Barry Freeman, Lyle freeman, Norman Kent, Ken Evans, Sandy McElroy, Grant Mackenzie, Ian Cameron, Kobus Erasmus, Bill Thomas, Ted leaker, Jim Scott, Dale Scheel, Lee Takayanagi, Dave Robinson, Ryan A. Mohamed Docrat  ,Dave Robinson, Colin Chadwick, Tony Otten, Bob Comerford, Jochen Moehr, Jens Kristensen, Mark Polle, Gerry Walsh, Andre Panteleyev, Mick Collins, Peter laughren
Attending by Zoom: Wendy Gedney, Rob Butter, Tim Wotoski, Sandy

Items Arising from the Minutes: No Items


Sunshine Wendy Gedney: Card was sent to Peter Macauly. 

Social Bob, Mike: St Patrick's Day March 17th. Pot Luck Social on Saturday March 16th. Send Mike any ides. For next meeting we need to know who is coming and what people will bring. Wear something Green.

Outdoor Show: April 25-28th. We Need volunteers. Contact Mike Galbraith

Membership: No report.

Fresh Water:
1) Dale presented a list of material to buy for beginner fly tying Time to start tying chironomids.
2) Mike and Ian were at Fuller lake, lots of bites Ian landed one.
3) Colin was out Thursday with new gear on Prospect lake, no luck.

Salt Water:
1) Jim Scott reported on the Frostbite Derby. 100 boats. Invitation only. Weigh in. nothing below 45 or above  50cm. four inch plugs and 3 to 4 inch spoon. Trolled fast 60-80 feet on downriggers.
2) Peter's Boat is still in dry dock. Starting on March 1 no wild chinook allowed. Limit 2 hatchery Chinook. Pedder bay and Whirl Bay good reports Victoria harbour 18.6 lb caught off waterfront. Halibut spotty. 20 lbs or less caught at middle banks. Off trial island.
3) April 21. Sidney Anglers putting on used sale for boat stuff. $50.00 for table. Food truck. All fishing gear mostly salt water.
4) Norm caught 40cm. salmon off Sidney dock put it back, undersized.

FishOuts: March Prospect Lake. Date to be announced

Fly Tying Dave: Will post basic fly tying material. He will tie this Sat. flies for Campbell River. Starts at 9:00. Link on web page.

Hatchery: Successful clipping session. 5,670, no mortalities. Eggs turning into Alvin. Will pit tag 10,000 March 13. Grad Student doing study on different methods of raising of fish in tanks. 

PSS: Auction coming up GRR Fly Boxes donated far fundraising auction.

BCWF: Children's camp ages 10 -14. Hiking, fishing, shooting. See Bill Thomas for application. No cost for applicant.

ACS: Bill will send out minutes



Legacy Fund: 

Gillie Club: Cowichan lake fishing: Deep water downriggers. Gordon Bay Camp site. Dennis will show anyone how to catch fish on the lake.
Speakers Program:

Fund Raising:

1) Raising the Cowichan weir. $14 million Gov. grant. To add 70 cm. Province to take over water license on Cowichan River.
2) Research into toxins from tires running into water supply. Coho susceptible to toxins 
3)  Biosolids and disposal. Mick has sent these out on our chat line. Using as fuel or spreading on soil. Heavy metals and contaminates in bio solids.
4) CRD parks meeting on line with bees monitoring program on oxygenation of elk lake Beaver management. Flow monitoring follow up.

PSS: Looking for volunteers for smolt counting on Craigflower creek. Recognition for Adrian Clark's work.


New Business:
1) Introductory fly tying class in club house.
2) Haig brown fly fishing to Missoula Montana $2500 Canadian. See Bill Thomas For info. Late April. Bring your rod and waders all else provided.

Meeting Adjourned: Dale @ 11.00am.