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2024-03-19: GRR Weekly Meeting, Minutes

Started by John Pierce, March 20, 2024, 11:14:51 PM

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John Pierce

Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated March19 2024

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom 10:00am

Chaired By: Bill Thomas

Secretary: Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 10:00 AM

Attendees In Person: Mike Galbraith, Kobus Erasmus, Norman Kent, Dale Scheel, John Francis, Lyle Freeman, Barry Freeman, Lee Takaanagi, Colin Chadwick, Ira Platt, Ted Leaker, Wayne Lee, John Kirby, Ken Evans, Ian Cameron Grant Mackenzie, Pierre Malo, Jochen Moehr, Bill Thomas, Dennis Scott,Jens Kristensen, Ryan Ansurych, Gunnar Berg, Gary B. Andre Panteleyev, Dave Robinson.

Members Attending by Zoom: Brian Canfield, Dave Cooke, Mohamed, Michael Cory, Wendy Gedney, Mich Collins.

Motion to accept the minutes last meeting: Moved by Barry and Ian.

Items Arising from the Minutes: Dave Cooke has volunteered to attend BCWF meetings.

Treasurer: No Report

Sunshine Wendy Gedney: No Report

Social Bob, Mike: St. Patrick's Day celebration. 30 people attended. $150.00 from donations, after expenses a profit was made. Arrival time and dinner time has to be made clear for next event. Lots of people wearing green and thank you to the volunteers for setting up and taking down. Five Irish stews were at the table, all were very tasty.


Fresh Water Dale:
1. Prospect Lake on Sunday. Trolled and caught small fish. Chironomid fished.
2. Langford lake landed 8 trolling. Four on bunny hair leach. Skullhead. Chartreuse.
3. Ian and Mike at Langford using plug doctor death had great success.
4. Kobus and Tony caught four on Langford lake using black leach.
5. Tip of the week: Try tying Blood worms gills.
6. Dale's Tips for Chironomid Fishing: Tie 30 ft. 10 LB. test flurocarbon line onto end of fly line (Fly line can be sinking or floating) flurocarbon line sinks so it won't coil up and give you a false depth, tie swivel to end of flouro, split shot goes above swivel, tie approx. 3 ft. 6 LB. test tippet (flouro) to swivel, when anchored over fish, attach forceps to fly and spool out line until reaches bottom. Reel in 4 in. Make a note so you can get back to that exact depth. Depending on water depth, the fly line may end near a rod eye or count reel turns in or out from set point to replicate returning the fly to the same 4 in. above bottom. Whiteout from typewriter days can also mark fly line. Make sure rod tip is the same distance above water each time you catch a fish so the depth is replicated. Use a non slip loop knot to attach fly. Best flys for local lakes are bloodworms and chromies. (Unfortuneately, there are many variations of these). Hold rod in hands as some bites are very light and you need to set hook quickly. throat pump first fish to zero in on chironomid of the day. Tie on a fly that closely mimics what you pumped.

Salt Water Fishing:
1. Bob and Peter caught two Spring salmon off Royal Bay. 7lb and 4 lb on spoons.
2. Fishing Fair at Sooke and Becher bay .
3. Halibut fishing excellent off Pedder Bay. Most boats with their limit's

FishOuts: Prospect. Noon hot dogs.at the park

Fly Tying: Deer hair fly tying this Sat. technique for tying deer hair on a fly.

Hatchery: Feeding fish 10,000 clipped and pit tagged.

PSS: Auction preview. Executive this Thursday. Bill to send minutes.   

BCWF: Region one AGM report from Dave Cooke. Provincial budget less than 1 percent for habitat restoration. Discussions with province to raise that amount. 6% was the amount in previous year. New president. Plans 6 trips planned to Ottawa. Salmon populations have increased but no increase in Quotas, Ottawa sets the quotas. Seagram mussels can cause all kinds of problems. Clog pipes.They are in B.C waters. BCWF is meeting with Mosaic for more access to gated roads. Dec. meeting with BCWF in Victoria. Childrens camp sponsored by BCWF.     


WFA : 


Legacy Fund: 

Gillie Club: Chest waders size 9, local camp and up Island camping and fishing spots talk to  Dennis. Dennis reported on Path of silence at Cluxue. Apparently it is a special place. See Dennis for location. Check out Hand of man museum near Duncan.
Speakers Program: Lyal Freeman gave a great talk on the history of Herring Fishing in B.C.

Fund Raising:



New Business: 0utdoor show, $200 budget request from Mike. Bill and Tony will bring their fly testers demonstration. JohnF to order new business cards. 

Meeting Terminated: John and Ian.