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2024-04-02: GRR Weekly Meeting, Minutes

Started by John Pierce, April 04, 2024, 04:12:55 PM

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John Pierce

Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated April 2 2024

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom 10:00am

Chaired By: Bill Thomas

Secretary: Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 10:00 AM

Attendees - In Person: Mike Galbraith, Ken Evans, Barry Freeman, Lyle Freeman, John Francis, Norman Kent, Dale Scheel Takayanagi, Kobus Erasmus, Ted Leaker, Wayne Lee, Dennis Gedney Colin Chadwick, Grant McKenzie, Ian Cameron, Bill Thomas, Dave Robinson, Ryan Arsnych, Tony Otten, Gerry Walsh, Mohamed Docrat Gerry Kennedy, Jim Scott, Ira Pratt, Sandy Raven, Peter Laughren Mark Polle, Mick Collins, Jim Johnson, Bob Comerford.
Attendees - via Zoom: Wendy Gedney, Wynn Brown, Michael Corry, Dave Cooke, Tim Witoski.

Motion to accept the minutes last meeting: moved by Ian and Norm

Items Arising from the Minutes:
1. Volunteers needed for Colquitz smolt counting. Training is this Thursday. More info to come.
2. Cluxuwe and Campbell River sign up sheet available.

Treasurer: Report is on line.

Sunshine Wendy Gedney: Peter from is hatchery recovering at home. 

Social Bob, Mike: Chilli pot luck info to come.


Fresh Water Dale:
.1 Tip of the Week: The harder you work at fishing the luckier you get. Keep going out and try different colour flies at different depths. Get yourself a downrigger. Stay out longer.
2. Langford lake dock removed. Poor parking will only will get worse.
3. Out door show. Ian will be the coordinator. 6:pm set up. John Francis will be the tech man.  April 25th -28. Volunteer list available.
4. Fanny Bay Environmental day. Lots of conservation clubs will be there Lots's of local food. Great for kids. Fundraiser for the hatchery. Contact Mohamed.

Salt Water:
1. Bob and Peter caught a 7lb spring off waterfront.
2. Halibut being caught at Constance Bank.
3. New DFO program sent out notice to license holders to record fish catches. DFO public notice sign up to get up to date info on tour phone or computer.
4. Norm, Sidney Derby. All large fish wild. 40 % wild 60%. $21,00 raised for salmon. 90 boats out 79 fish caught.

FishOuts: Langford lake, Wednesday 17th get their early, lunch is at 12:00 noon. Beach off Leigh Road. Parking on Langford Parkway.

Fly Tying: In person tying, info out this week.

Hatchery: Feeding fish. Suspecting oxygen loss for loss of fish.   

PSS: PSS is responsible for smolt trap on Colquitz and Craigflower. 

BCWF Dave Cooke: April 11, 12, 13 Kelowna AGM, all Clubs can send a delegate.

ACS: Meeting this Wednesday. Bill will send out minutes.



Legacy Fund: 

Gillie Club: Dennis gave a report on Montana fishing. Lightning storms. Mountain roads can be dangerous. Lot's of mosquitos. Fire Ants. Rattle snakes. Bull snakes. Big Horn river great fishing.   
Speakers Program: No speaker for next two meetings.

Fund Raising:

Environment: Thursday world fisheries trust fish trap 9:00 am on Craigflower, if you can volunteer see Mick. Friday 2nd herring symposium. 6:30 to 9:00. At Esq Pavillion $25.00 fee.

Legacy Fund: Three family estate donations and last 8 years 12,000.00. Current 3,000.00. Grants have gone to herring research and Net pen initiative. PSS, Mick has not received any recent request for funds.


New Business:
1. World Fisheries trust is meeting on herring stocks.
2. Lye will give a report next meeting.
3. 40 fly boxes. Will Decide on price at executive meeting, please consider buying them.   

Meeting Terminated: 11.00am