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2024-04-09: GRR Weekly Meeting, Minutes

Started by John Pierce, April 11, 2024, 10:55:03 AM

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John Pierce

Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated April 9 2024

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom 10:00am

Chaired By: Bill Thomas

Secretary: Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 10:00 AM

Attendees In Person: No New Members. Mike Galbraith, Norman Kent, Barry Freeman, Lyle Freeman, John Francis, Kobus Erasmus, Winston Jackson, Lee Takayanagi, Colin Chadwick, Tim Witoski, Pierre Malo, Ted Leaker, Wayne Lee, Grant Mackenzie, Peter Laughren, Ian Cameron, Gerry Walsh, Dave Robinson, Ryan Arsenech, Sandy Raven, Gunnar Berg, Mick Collins, Bill Thomas, 
Members Attending by Zoom: None

Motion to accept the minutes last meeting: moved by Ian and Barry

Items Arising from the Minutes: Barry, Norman and Tim will help set up for the outdoor show. All Volunteers check with Mike Galbraith for your time slot to cover the booth. Volunteers to give out flies with club cards.

Treasurer Sandy: Sandy put forward a motion to send $500.00 to the Wild life Kid's Camp. This money was set aside before covid hit for this purpose. Motion carried.

Sunshine Wendy Gedney: All healthy. May 2nd St Andrews church funeral service for John Ganan. 1:00 pm.

Social Bob, Mike: May 22 Chilli at Beaver Elk Lake.


Fresh Water:
1. Barry at Langford Lake, 5 in boat fairly slow day. Caught an 18.5" fish. Used a small black leach.
2. Ian and Mike at Elk Lake, 6 in the boat, 9 released, Wooly Bugger, shorter tail.
3. Lake Cowichan Dennis: No luck on the lake. He talked about not using bait for trout fishing at Cowichan.
4. Tim: Langford Lake no luck. Used pontoon boat. Blames solar eclipse.
5. Sandy: Prospect Lake landed 1 using Pumpkin Head.No luck with chironomids.
6. Norman: Oyster River no luck. Very cold.

Salt Water:
1. Peter: Salmon slow. Halibut is doing well. Bob and Peter caught a 45lb halibut off Pedder Bay.
2. DFO: Rock fish and ling cod season open May 1st to Sept 30 min size 65cent. 52 lb Halibut registered at Pedder Bay.

FishOuts: April 17 Langford Lake barbecue 12:00 noon at the wash rooms. Parking by Langford parkway.

Fly Tying Dave: Will demonstrate Bruised leach fly, Zoom meeting.   

1. Hatchery: Shifting smolts from small tank. These will be released in three weeks. Ponding Elvin into tanks. In three weeks they will be weighed so they can determine how much to feed them.
2. School Program: In January each school got 100 fish. They will be released in local creeks. Coho will spend a year in the river. Chum will go to ocean right away.
3. PSS: Auction preview 12 -18 of April. Fishing tips and gear.
4. BCWF:
5. ACS: Smolt trap on Thursday. 8 sculpin 3 coho and perch. Colquitz. Walk from Montana's upstream to overpass.
6. WFA: 


Legacy Fund: 

Gillie Club:   
Speakers Program: April 23 Conservation Officer.

Fund Raising:

1. April 15 tour of Craigflower fish counting fence, downstream, hydrometric testing. 9:00am Contact Mick for more info. Updating on flow measurement from the 2 dams.  Beaver and Thetis.
2. Wed. Gorge April 17 meeting for Gorge water way initiative. At canoe club. 6:30 pm. 


New Business: Pay Mike for any flies you bought.   

Meeting Terminated: 11.00am Ian and Winston.