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2024-04-23: GRR Weekly Meeting, Minutes

Started by John Pierce, May 04, 2024, 12:02:24 PM

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John Pierce

Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated April 23 2024

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom

Chaired By: Bill Thomas

Secretary: Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 10:00 AM

Attendees: Barry new attendee. Saw sign on door. Fishes salt and fresh water. Mike Galbraith, John Francis, Lyle Freeman, Barry Freeman, Norman Kent, Lee Takayanagi, Ian Cameron, Kobus Erasmus, Peter Laughren, Pierre Malo, Tim Witoski, Gord Keast, Jens Kristensen, Danny Larvin, Gunnar Berg, Ryan Arsenych, Mick Collins.
Members Attending by Zoom: Wendy Gedney, Michael Cory, Wyn Brown, Jochen Moehr

Motion to accept the minutes last meeting: moved by: Barry and Ian

Items Arising from the Minutes:   


Sunshine: Wendy Gedney.   

Social: Bob, Mike: Outdoor show. Fly testers: Ian will bring flies. Tony will do start up with tanks. IF you are signed up you have to find a replacement if you are going to be absent.  Meet at show on Thursday for set up at 6:00 pm. Please take your name tags.


Fresh Water:
1) Dale was at the club fish out on Wednesday at Langford landed 14, 2 at 16".
2) Tip of the week. Fish pick on negative attitudes. Always stay optimistic you are going to catch fish. Don't be a glass half empty fisherman.
3) Norm brought in samples of an old lure called Super dupers. Good lure for local lakes for trolling or spin casting. You can get them online or at Bass Pro shops.
4) Member talked about whirling disease. This is caused by microscopic parasite that can be lethal in rainbow and cutthroat tout.  The movement of fish, mud and water can spread Whirling disease. It can be transmitted through spores that attach to equipment. In interior lakes. Never move fish or fish parts from one waterbody to another. Never dispose of fish parts in garburator. Clean drain and dry all equipment to be used before moving between water bodies.
5) Tim used floating line, sinking line caught 4 on dark wooly buggers  on  Prospect Lake.

Salt Water:
1) Peter demonstrated the use of a harpoon for measuring halibut
2) Salmon fishing has slowed down.
3) Peter and Bob fished off Pedder Bay for halibut. Put in four hours in with no luck.
4) Look for slack currents to fish. Next time. May 3,4,5, Largest halibut you can catch is 126cent. Under 85 cem you can catch two.
5) Tony and son got back from Cuba. 40 bone fish each 3 to 4 lbs. Fished in river. Tony tells fishing story of Tarpin jumping into boat and attacking guide.

Fish outs: To be announced

Fly Tying: No tying this week.

Hatchery: No report, 79 fish at trap on Craigflower. Coho Cuthroat trout and sun fish. 






Legacy Fund: 

Gillie Club:  .   
Speakers Program: Check online calendar for upcoming speakers

Environment Mick: 1/ following recent tour of Craigflower Creek for hydrometric monitoring improvements, Mick followed up with Jill Robinson . She is sending information to CRD Parks management regarding opportunities to increase summer flows from Thetis Lake dam.
2/ lots of meetings and information has been forwarded to members including Koksilah Monday April 29 evening meeting on Zoom. Also an in person meeting with UBC researchers seeking community input to help salmon . This meeting is at Camosun Lansdowne campus Friday May 3 at 9am to Noon. Mick Phone landline 250-598-3294.


New Business:

Meeting Terminated 10:50 am Barry and Ian.