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2024-04-30: GRR Weekly Meeting, Minutes

Started by John Pierce, May 04, 2024, 12:08:34 PM

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John Pierce

Victoria Golden Rods and Reels Fishing and Social Club
held at Esquimalt Anglers 1101 Munro St
in Person and Zoom Meeting Minutes,
Dated April 30 2024

Place: Esquimalt Anglers and Zoom

Chaired By: Bill Thomas

Secretary: Bob Comerford

Called to Order: 10:00 AM

Attendees: Rick, A new member wants' to get back into flyfishing. Fred is a general trout fisherman.
Mike Galbraith , Barry Freeman, Lyle Freeman, Dale Scheel, Lee Takayanagi,  Ira Pratt, ,Kobus Erasmus, Ken Evans, Bill Thomas, Rick Greenhorn, Ian Cameron, Ted Leaker, Fred Schniper {Guest} Mohamed Docat, Gerry Walsh, Peter Laugrhen, Danny Larvin, Winston Jackson, Dave Robinson, Ryan Arsenach, Gary Kennedy, Tonny Otten, Jens Kristensen, Gunnar Berg,  John Francis ,Sandy Raven, Jim Scott.
Members Attending by Zoom: Sandy McElroy, Michael Corry, Wendy Gedney, Dave Cooke, Wyn Brown, Mick Collins, Dennis Gedney.

Motion to accept last weeks minutes: Barry seconded by Ian
Items Arising from the Minutes: Hot coffee mugs $10. Fly boxes $10.00 for small, $15.00 for large. Pins $10.00.

Treasurer: No report.

Sunshine Wendy Gedney: Brian C had surgery. John G Thursday funeral St Andrews Cathedral. Contact John Francis for details.

Social: Bob, Mike: Chili in May. Info to come.

Membership: 72 total.

Fresh Water Dale:
1) Wednesday prospect lake bunny leaches. 20 plus fish landed. Mostly small two 16", lots of risers.
2) Langford lake one fish.
3) Tip of the week: Tell fish stories to people you don't know.
4) Ira: Missoula Montana 3 days on river. Big variety in fish. Fished three rivers. Ira's opinion was that there is more fish in B.C. 1700 fish every mile in Montana River.

Salt Water:
1) Slow fishing all around. Peter fishes once or twice a month. Pete willing to take out people out Halibut fishing. More info will be coming.

Fish outs: May 23 Prospect Lake.

Fly Tying: Chironomid tying this Saturday. Anchor front and back. Float line down two feet off bottom. Chironomids start as worm. Blood worms. Turn  int0 pupae. Under strike indicator. Keep the slack out of the line.

Hatchery: Eggs at schools being released in two week. Hatchery releasing smolts this week. 10,000 have pit tags. 

PSS: Auction finished

BCWF: AGM. Main focus was to support women in the outdoors. Two dynamic women speakers talked about their experiences. CEO talked about restoration projects. Whirling and zebra mussels in Alberta. Boats need to  be washed . Canadian border services not monitoring boats. Chief conservation officer was at the meeting and will put pressure on govt to act. Steam bath is used to take mussels off. Officers will Impound boats if mussels found. 8 million fish put in BC waters. Wide variety of fish. Effects of climate change might make Lakes will not turn over.

ACS:  meeting this Wednesday.



Legacy Fund: 

Gillie Club: Lake Cowichan report. Kokanee 5" long. Caught two. Cluxue sign up sheet.

Speakers Program: Short notice for speakers due to scheduling.   

Environment Mick: Details online. Signage on dock at Elk Lake recognising GRR contribution. Film at Robinson on Cutthroat fish. Water monitoring on possible drought this summer. Importance of having dams to control water flow.


New Business:
1) Fanny Bay event this Sunday May 5th. Starts at 10.00 to 3:30. Fanny bay hatchery. 30 or more booths. Great for kids. Fanny bay oysters $2.00 each. Details to be posted.
2) John Francis will be secretary for next two meetings

Meeting Terminated 11.00am: Jerry and Rick.